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Opens on September 5

Director: Tomás Gutiérrez Alea Run Time: 130 min. Release Year: 1979 Language: Spanish

Starring: Ana Viñas, Enrique Santisteban, Germán Pinelli, Juanita Caldevilla, Reynaldo Miravalles

A bourgeois Cuban family of aristocratic origin locks itself into its mansion when the Cuban Revolution comes to power, waiting for the new regime to be overthrown. As time passes, they regress to older and older systems of political order, from capitalism to feudalism to “primitive savagery.” Preserved by the Academy Film Archive in 2017.

“Pasolini type creepy bourgeoisie isolation and obsessive / compulsive consumption leads to their grotesque demise but sosososo funny had the whole theatre grasping their sides wheezing. Top 10 if not top 5. Gem” – biomagesin, letterboxd

“hysterical retelling of The Exterminating Angel where the compelling force behind the confinement is the bourgeois reluctance to adjust to the times. a hilarious film with the historical sensibility and the non dogmatic approach that all the films of TGA have and it offers the rare pleasure of seeing the rich (literally) eating each other.” – José-Luis Ragel, mubi

Buñuel-esque surrealist metaphorical journey throught the modes of production in backwards order, from the communist revolution, to capitalist bourgeois society, to feudal aristocracy, to ancient slave society, to stone-age style savagery. Very good indeed. Cuban cinema is so underrated. Reminded me a bit of The Exterminating Angel but more dense in Marxist theory.” Daydream of Hell, letterboxd

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